
Review : "The Franklin Coverup" by John DeCamp


Without a doubt, the creepiest and most frightening book I've ever read. The Franklin Coverup details a scandal that erupted in the early 1990's when several children came forward detailing sexual abuse at the hands of various power brokers in Nebraska. Eventually, more children came forward and the story got more and more sordid, involving pornography and satanism. As things heated up, the investigation ran into wall after wall being put up by Nebraska law enforcement and the FBI.

If that wasn't enough, as the investigation was about to be decided upon by a grand jury, the investigator hired by the legislature died in a mysterious plane crash. Subsequently, the grand jury ended up pressing charges ... against the victims!

Franklin Coverup

Author John W. DeCamp was a Vietnam war hero as well as an accomplished state senator in Nebraska. He wrote the book not for money, but for protection as at least 15 people involved in the Franklin case died under mysterious circumstances. His rationale was that since he knew so much about the case, he was a potential target for assassination. (He was told as much by several insiders who were on his side.) Therefore, it was necessary to get the facts out so that he would not die in vain.

And he does just that, detailing cited sources from affidavids and various court documents that spelled out the facts of the case, as well as, the amazing lack of justice for the victims at the hands of the grand jury. The main thrust of this book is that the government has seriously gotten out of control, especially the FBI and CIA. And the press, which should be detailing these atrocities, has become completely corrupted by media owners being in bed with various factions of the government. The high rollers, not just in Nebraska, but the world over, are part of the same "good ol' boy network."

The threats of jail time and death for the witnesses at the hands of the FBI are chilling. And the stories of the various satanic rituals the child-victims are forced to perform are downright sickening. It would all sound so unbelievable if it weren't substantiated by victim after victim and various child workers and psychologists who worked with them.

The only criticism of the book lies in the additional materials provided in the second edition. DeCamp teases an chilling expose of the infamous "Project MONARCH." However, DeCamp, handcuffed by legalies keeping him from revealing many facts, just dances around the story of MONARCH. The book would have been better off without the vague association of MONARCH. However, his details regarding the murder of Gordon Kahl are unsettling and really make you think about how "free" we truly are.

The Franklin Coverup shines a spotlight on the corruption of the government and is a must read for anyone who thinks they know what is going on in America today.

As a post-script to this review, apparently this sickness is going on all over the world, check out this link :

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